Thursday, January 31, 2013

Little boys make big messes

Sometimes things can get a little messy with Gabriel.  Like when he pees all over himself then you get him all cleaned up and then he squirts poo everywhere... and all during a diaper change.  That's fun... but there was one thing I dreaded worse than the pee and poo that turns out isn't as bad as I thought.  Spit up.  Yep the pre-mommy me was absolutely dreading spit up.  Just the thought of it made me wanna gag and puke and run.  But that changed when I dealt with it that first time.  It really is different when its your own child... I thought that was just a saying. But nope its the truth.  I was officially initiated into the spit up club yesterday when I was trying to burp him and as I heard the loud deep rumble of a burp I also felt warm wet liquid on my shoulder.  It had also gotten all in my hair all over him and his clothes.  So I went to change his clothes and he spit up again 1/2 way through the change so I had to do another change of clothes. 

One thing I can say is I love this little boy so much... he is so sweet and absolutely the perfect baby ever.  Never cries only unless its a good reason... he has had about 2 or 3 instances where you pick him up while he's in a deep sleep and he won't realize what's going on and have a mini freak out but once you talk to him and he realizes who it is that has him he calms right down. 

I've been meaning to do a video post I just haven't gotten around to it yet...  I need to.  I want to do a nursery tour. And a what I've used and what I haven't used for him his first month.  Also a review of my diaper pail, wipes, and diapers! And maybe some other things.

And here's a special picture of him and his daddy.

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