Thursday, January 17, 2013

Gabriels birth story

On monday, November 19th I felt horrible... I had a sore throat and all my muscles ached.  I sounded horrible as well and I spent most of the day lounging around.  I thought I was getting the flu and did some research on having the flu while pregnant... I also found that the flu lasts about a week and I wasn't looking forward to feeling horrible for that week.  I went to bed that night and the muscle pains got worse, I couldn't get comfortable so I put a heating pad on my back and finally got comfortable enough to go to sleep. The next day I felt fine and convinced myself that it was a 24 hour bug.

That Wednesday (November 21) I had an ultrasound to see how big my baby was getting due to the diabetes,  it was a normal routine ultrasound.  She started with his head and went from there.  He looked healthy with no problems at all.  She then looked at my cervix and I asked my normal questions: is there enough fluid? How does my cervix look? Is it still closed properly?... when I got to my cervix questions she said: "I'm not able to see it well, I need to do a transvaginal"   Now with my countless hours of research I knew a few things:  1. My cervix was visible without a transvaginal u/s and 2. They hardly ever do a transvaginal at 29 weeks gestation.  So I asked again: is everything ok with my cervix?  The u/s tech replied: yes, it just looks as if its thinning a little.   So after we get done I will let you speak to the doctor.    I had read countless accounts of women who's cervix thinned a little early on and I knew that it probably wasn't that big of a deal.  What happened next changed everything.

We sat in the waiting room and I reassured my husband everything was ok.  That thinning happened sometimes and that we would be just fine.  We were called back and a doctor took us in the exam room... I stood there with the door opened and she asked if I knew what was going on.  I said that the u/s tech said my cervix was a little thinned and the doctor said: ok.  I have paged the doctor on call and she wants to see you immediately.  You need to go to the hospital straight to Labor and Delivery, DO NOT STOP ANYWHERE ELSE! the doctor is waiting on you... and then we weee escorted out the back door of the doctors office.

The 2 minute drive was insanely emotional... I was terrified.  Scared for my baby.  When I got to the hospital they took me right back and asked me to change.  When I had walked out of the bathroom the doctor was already in the room ready for me.  She did the exam and then asked me what I knew... I explained all I knew was my thinning cervix and she went on to tell me that I was 4cm dilated and 50% thinned out... in other words I was already almost half way through labor just without contractions.  They admitted me and I stayed on bedrest for that night.  I was discharged the next day (thanksgiving)  and put on bedrest at home.  I told my husband my goal is to make it to 35 weeks...

That next night at home went well but the next day I felt exhausted.  I took naps though the entire day and by 3am early Saturday morning I felt as if I needed to go back to the hospital.  I was having back pains just like the ones from that Monday.    I arrived at the hospital and I met my now primary OBGYN doctor... doctor "M"... she checked me and said I was 4 cm dilated and 100% effaced... I had no cervix left.  They admitted me into a labor and delivery room and put me on magnesium sulfate and gave me more steroids to help with Gabriels development.  Being 30 weeks I was going to have a preemie... possibly a 4lb preemie so I spoke with the NICU doctor and he answered my questions... I was as mentally prepared as I could've been to deliver that day...  but one day turned into 2, that turned into a week...  they took me off magnesium then I was given bathroom and chair privileges.  There was an issue though... my baby was breech with a huge pocket of water between him and my cervix (what was left of it).  So if my water broke then the umbilical cord could've fallen out....  which would've been an emergency because it would've gotten pinched and cut off oxygen supply to my baby...  so I was stuck in the hospital until one of 3 things happened: 1. I went into labor 2. He turned head down or 3. His butt fell down blocking the opening.  All the ultrasounds always showed the same... that huge gap.  I was stuck, and on the weeks went. 

I got comfortable with the nurses and made friends.  I wanted to go into labor, I was sick of being there. But on the other hand I wanted a healthy baby.  I changed rooms a lot and that was always a welcomed change.  I got sick of being cooped up.  Christmas came and an ultrasound was scheduled that day due to some variations in Gabriels heart rate.  When it came to my cervix and his position to it we were unable to see... the tech just couldn't see.  2 days later on December 27th a close friend of mine went into labor and had her baby.  Also on that day Dr. M came in to review my ultrasound.  She did another and we finally saw what we were waiting on... there was his butt.  Right there his butt was blocking my cervix and I could finally go home.

Being at home was miserable but I did enjoy being out of the hospital.  I knew I would be back soon but I was worried.  My doctor, the one who I had seen almost every day for 5 weeks was only on call again December 31 and January 1st so I knew if I went into labor before that then I would have someone I didn't trust as well deliver my baby.  December 31 came and I had wanted to have my baby in December and this was the last day...  I was irritable and had an argument with my husband.  I was having back pains and I didn't want to go to the hospital because they would keep me again and my back pains would eventually stop... well the back pains didn't stop.  So at around 6:00 I headed to the hospital. 

By the time we got there (6:45) I was having contractions.  The nurses welcomed me and was asked all the normal questions... I asked if Dr. M was there and they said she will be in 15 minutes.  She walked in and checked me... she said I was 5 almost 6 cm... and that we were going to go ahead and do a c-section.   I was shocked... I didn't believe her until they came in to do the catheter (which didn't fly with me... they had to do it later after my epidural).  I had to wait because there was a c-section before me but they said it would be about 10 o'clock.  So I laid there and contracted forever until they came to get me. 

All the normal c-section procedures were done... I had an epidural which was an interesting experience... my husband came in afterwards.  They put a catheter in and Dr. M got started.  I talked to my husband while they worked (I had to ask him if they had already cut me open...)  then at 10:39 I heard the best sound in the world.  Gabriel came out screaming and my husband left my side to check on our son.  I then heard Dr.M question his weight... 8lbs 6oz...  she flipped out.  I remember hearing her say : "That is the largest 35 week preemie I have ever delivered". 

Gabriel was sent to NICU and my husband followed. I was stitched up and sent to recovery where me, a nurse, and Dr. M celebrated the new year.  Gabriel didn't have any issues other than blood sugar problems which resolved itself after 3 days.  On the forth day I was discharged.  I have to admit recovery has been difficult. Not only am I recovering from a c-section but also from the 5 weeks I spent on bedrest.  But it was all worth it. 

I have a healthy happy 8lb preemie

1 comment:

  1. Hey Lacie,

    Good birth story, glad you shared it. Hope you and your baby are doing good.

    Welcome to motherhood! Its gonna be a long ride. lol... Best of luck!

    Jessica Adams
