Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Changing time

My life changed forever on December 31st 2012.   I was blessed with a New Years Eve baby.   He is absolutely amazing.  I have heard all the cute sayings such as I never knew what life was until I had you...  all of those I thought were just sayings.   But i realized they arent just sayings... i honestly NEVER ever imagined I could love someone as much as I love my Gabriel.  Don't get me wrong I love my husband deeply and I know hes my "soul mate " (sorry for the intense cheeseyness) but the connection I feel with Gabriel is almost more than I can comprehend.  Its almost supernatural, I can't explain it.   Hes so strong and so special.  Overall he is an excellent baby.  I've never cared for a newborn before but from the stories I have heard none compare to how excellent he is.  He hardly ever cries.  He sometimes cries during diaper changes because he gets cold... and the one time he was hungry and I wasn't able to feed him right then.  By the way, that was the worst feeling in the entire world!   I felt helpless and overall a horrible mother.... It was my mistake.  But I am glad Gabriel is so forgiving.  He still loves me even though I messed up that day. We are both learning so we have to have patience with each other.  Well I must be going. I have to get his bottle ready ... I have so much to post. Especially some thank yous that have been way overdue.  Along with some general things we have been learning together...  By the way the picture for this post is a pic not found on Facebook!

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