Friday, September 30, 2016

Creative Binge

This is a three paragraph descriptive story I wrote during a creative binge. I don't normally put things such as this out there due to my insecurities but this one is special. I feel it has a raw beauty to it that is captivating and emotional. Enjoy.


 I watch as she clings to the door frame. She thinks she's alone but I've been by her side this entire time. The once strong woman I married has been reduced to a fragile weak girl. The tears stream down her face and fall to the floor. It kills me seeing her this way, knowing I'm the cause of this pain. I walk across the room to be by her side and brush the tear soaked hair out of her face. She looks past me; her eyes no longer full of the sparkle and life they once had. As she closes her eyes her body convulses and she slides to the floor.

I ease her down softly wanting to tell her I never left. Her screams piercing the silence its the only sound resonating through the walls. As the screams become sobs the house takes a breath, creaking with the amount of sorrow in the room. We sit together and as all becomes quiet I watch as the frail widow reaches into the depths of herself, grasping for the tiniest bit of courage she can muster. She pauses a moment to make sure she is holding it tightly. I watch in awe as she takes a deep breath and manifests her courage into strength. She rises slowly, unsteady her feet like a child learning to walk; forces back the tears and makes her way down the hall.

I sit here in the floor and I can't help but smile as her shadow disappears into our bedroom. She may be broken but she found her strength, her will to live. We will meet again soon, but until then I know she will pick herself up off the floor even when everything is broken. As I stand I hear her muffled hum of our song. I go to be with her, to keep her safe until she's in my arms once again.

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