Thursday, November 14, 2013

November Thankful Friends Week #2

I'm going to do a November Thankful Friend Week this month. So every week in November I will pick 7 of the people I am thankful for and why. I have so many friends and If I don't put you up here just know that I really do love you and I am thankful for everyone. This is more to let some of ya'll know just how much I appreciate you and how special you are to me.

Melinda and Tim- step-mom and dad
My Dad has to be considered one of a kind.  He's pretty cool to hang around with and he can fix just about anything.  I am also very thankful for the van he fixed up for me.  Its perfect for my massive family.  I'm so glad that Melinda is who my dad chose to marry.  She really is an amazing person with a huge heart.  I couldn't have asked for a better step-mom.

Shelly - one of my besties
Shell lights up the room when she walks in. She has this amazing personality that is so fun.  Shes very outgoing and hilarious.  I loved when we would ride 4 wheelers in the woods, or jumped on the trampoline.  We almost always had a good time. I really do view you as my sister.

Megan- one of my besties
Hehe Megan.  The grammar goddess I wish I was, lol.  Megan always has a way with words that gets you thinking.  I love that she always has that mommy chipmunk attitude about her.  Shes very down to earth but she keeps you on you toes and makes you think.  She has always inspired me to think outside the box. 

Maddi- friend
Alright this chicka right here, she is gorgeous.  Yep Maddi is spunky.  I always enjoy seeing her cuz she always has an amazingly funny story to tell.  Shes never afraid to be herself.  She also has one of the cutest little boys in the world and I wish her the best of luck with her pregnancy.  She really has done alot for me and Gabe and we really appreciate it.

jazmyn and jeffrey- neice and nephew
These two taught me to grow up quick.  I love them and its been a blessing to raise them.  I'm gonna miss them when they go back to their mom.  I've learned lots of patience and they also taught me to cook (they themselves didn't but taking care of them and having to cook dinner every night did.)

Monica- friend
Monica helped me a lot with my confidence in high school.  She taught me that even if you don't have a clue what you are doing then pretend you do and most of the time that works out.  She also gave me an appreciation for shoes, mostly heels... lol. Even though we don't talk much if at all now I really do still look up to her.  She never seems afraid to speak her mind.

Kyle and Ashley- friends
Kyle has such a big heart, he is always concerned about what others feel, like if they are having a bad day and he always tries to cheer me up.  I do consider him a very close friend and I really do believe he will go far in life and Ashley is an amazing other half of him... Shes really amazing to be around and she always seems to have a smile on her face.

I believe that in life people make your journey colorful and out of everything i'm thankful for my colorful journey.

Next week I got another list of 7 people that surely do make my life colorful. 

Crazy story of my miracle:

I don't know how many people know this or anything really about my personal life.  My family is poor. My husband and I live paycheck to paycheck to try to support our family.  We received custody of my niece and nephew in October of 2011. We went about a year where they lived with their grandparents but they mostly have stayed with us.  (Gabe happened the year they stayed over there).  Well its extremely difficult for me to work while trying to take care of the kids and most of the time (like now) we only have one vehicle so its pretty much impossible (it came to eat or renew tags on the car... what would you pick?)  It wasn't always like this, especially when we first got married.  I had a good paying job but life happens.

We have our bad weeks and good weeks.  It just depends on how our bills fall.  There have been several times when we would have to go to the church for food. But it always seems around this time gets a little more difficult.  This week was one of our worse weeks. We didn't have the money to buy any food (meat specifically) for the house, nor did my husband have gas money to make it till next paycheck.  The bills had caught up with us and we couldn't put anymore off.  Gabe was also running out of diapers. (FYI Gabe always has enough food, we receive WIC and he also eats 1/2 of everything I do).  My husband and I already eat only once a day but this wasn't just about us, this was about the kids too.  I guess it was gonna be another trip to the church to stock up on sweets and everything bad for you (one pet peeve about getting free food from charity, its not healthy, its all the rejected baked sweets that stores gotta get rid of.  But I don't like complaining because it is given to us and I'm grateful for it.) The kids eat breakfast and lunch at school but dinner and weekends were a problem.

Gas was also an issue; we had 1/4 tank and that wouldn't come close to lasting another week, especially in the van, with the multiple doctor appointments me and Jazzy had.  I had put my last dollar in the bank so the car insurance would get paid without over drafting and canceling our service.  We don't ever enjoy telling people how bad it gets so most of the time we don't.  My sister in law and her boyfriend invited us over to eat dinner with them last night just so we could have something instead of beans and rice.  Today we went to my grandparents house and got as much frozen meat out of their freezer, but it still wouldn't be enough to last.  I was stressed and so was my husband.

I asked him to check the mail on the way into the house today and I had gotten a letter from my OB.  I opened it thinking it was a bill from my last doctors appointment because they didn't ask for a co-pay.  Then I saw what it was.  A check for $498.80.  I started to cry...  I had no clue how we were going to survive this  next week.  I had no clue how my husband was going to get back and forth to work this next week. And there it was, the answer to my prayers.  The check was for a refund because I prepaid my co-pays for my OB appointments when I was pregnant with Gabe, but since I spent 5 weeks in the hospital I missed those appointments.  Now we can get food and gas and not worry.  It felt like I won the lottery.  We are going to get caught up on our bills and hopefully get ahead enough to get the kids something really good for Christmas.

On a side note:
1. I didn't write this to be pitied or for attention
2.  Don't feel bad for me, we will make it
3. I would rather be poor with my family then be rich without them
4. God always takes care of his children
5. I wrote this just to try to express how thankful I am

Alright guys, see ya next Thursday! Love Y'all

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