Thursday, November 7, 2013

November Thankful Friend Week #1

I'm going to do a November Thankful Friend Week this month. So every week in November I will pick 7 of the people I am thankful for and why. I have so many friends and If I don't put you up here just know that I really do love you and I am thankful for everyone. This is more to let some of ya'll know just how much I appreciate you and how special you are to me.

1- Gabriel Jones my son
Wow, this boy has completely changed my life.  I love him so much and I never ever thought he would change my life the way he has.   I've never loved someone as much as I love him.  I could never live without him.

2- Brian Jones my hubby

My husband has also changed me.  I've learned to love outside my comfort zone.  He has taught me to take risks and never look back.  He has also taught me to just be myself and if someone doesn't like me then its their fault not mine.

3- Nicki Sansom my sister

My sister has one of the most beautiful personalities ever.  Shes always there for me and is there to listen to my problems... not only that she knows how to have a good time.

4- Barbara Burden my grandmother and my grandfather

This one is both Granny and Papa.  They have such a strong and beautiful relationship and they truly love each other. Papa is so wise and Granny has been a lifesaver by helping me with advice for Gabriel.  

5- Gina Brock my aunt

Shes been like the crazy lady that whacks you with a stick when you stray from the path.  Shes always fun though. We used to do lots of crafts when I was little.  We used to sing songs and one time she wrapped me up in duct tape to make a body dummie and i passed out  lol. [this is the only pic I could find of Gina that was really good.  left-Tab (Gina's bestie) right-Gina]

6- Kristin Ferguson my best-est friend

Oh dear my best-est friend Kris.  Life has been crazy for us.  She has always been there for me... well mostly always. We had some issues back when I was 14 or 15 but even through all that I still consider her my best-est friend in the whole wide world. Even though we don't talk everyday I still think about her and wish and hope I can see her soon.

7- Taunya Robertson a close friend

Taunya was extremely supportive when I miscarried my little girl.  Taunya and Will are the nicest couple I've had the honor to be friends with.  They have a beautiful family and I really look up to both of them.  Taunya is awesome and would do anything for anyone if she could.  Will has also been an amazing friend to my husband.  The only thing I regret is not spending enough time with them, but I hope they both know we care about them and think about them a lot.

I believe that in life people make your journey colorful and out of everything i'm thankful for my colorful journey.

Next week I got another list of 7 people that surely do make my life colorful. Love yall

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