Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Round 3, Fight

     I quit smoking... yeah it took longer than I wanted but since Monday I have been smoke free!  October 16th I go to a seminar in Orlando to meet my surgeon and get started with the gastric bypass. I am so excited and ready to start this new chapter in my life.

     This will be my third attempt at the gastric bypass.  The first time was in 2008 and I went through the six month weight loss program and i had to go through a psychiatrist and that fell though at the last minute because I moved. My second attempt was in 2012 and again I went though the six months and on the sixth month I found out I was pregnant with Gabriel.  So now is attempt number 3.  My insurance actually changed its policy and I no longer have to go through the six months of medically supervised weight loss.  They replaced it with a surgeons recommendation due to medical necessity.  In order to prove medical necessity you must have a BMI of over 40 (mines about 55) and a bunch of documentation.  In other words it seems to me that I may be having this surgery pretty soon.... On a different note:

     I think I am going to actively start vloging my journey on YouTube.  I don't know if anyone wants to see it but I think it would be interesting to at least have a record of my journey. At least I want to vlog. I love watching other peoples vlogs and would love to get more involved in that type of community.

     Gabriel is FINALLY mobile... its took a while but he can crawl and get around in a walker. I don't like to use the walker often but until we get the house FULLY baby proof I kinda have to. We have to get some baby gates and we need to install some child locks on our cabinets.  We have a couple but not enough.   Not to mention he has been pulling up on EVERYTHING... and I mean everything.  The problem is we don't have any carpet in our house, its just tile and rugs.  So crawling can get pretty dangerous and I can't keep him in one spot because he just wants to GO GO GO...

     He Loves Tv, he loves watching it but not all the time, just sometimes. We also have been working very hard on him sleeping in his crib at night. There is still lots and lots of crying but we are getting it. Slowly but surely. Anyway guys and gals... Have a good day and God Bless

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