Friday, September 30, 2016

Creative Binge

This is a three paragraph descriptive story I wrote during a creative binge. I don't normally put things such as this out there due to my insecurities but this one is special. I feel it has a raw beauty to it that is captivating and emotional. Enjoy.


 I watch as she clings to the door frame. She thinks she's alone but I've been by her side this entire time. The once strong woman I married has been reduced to a fragile weak girl. The tears stream down her face and fall to the floor. It kills me seeing her this way, knowing I'm the cause of this pain. I walk across the room to be by her side and brush the tear soaked hair out of her face. She looks past me; her eyes no longer full of the sparkle and life they once had. As she closes her eyes her body convulses and she slides to the floor.

I ease her down softly wanting to tell her I never left. Her screams piercing the silence its the only sound resonating through the walls. As the screams become sobs the house takes a breath, creaking with the amount of sorrow in the room. We sit together and as all becomes quiet I watch as the frail widow reaches into the depths of herself, grasping for the tiniest bit of courage she can muster. She pauses a moment to make sure she is holding it tightly. I watch in awe as she takes a deep breath and manifests her courage into strength. She rises slowly, unsteady her feet like a child learning to walk; forces back the tears and makes her way down the hall.

I sit here in the floor and I can't help but smile as her shadow disappears into our bedroom. She may be broken but she found her strength, her will to live. We will meet again soon, but until then I know she will pick herself up off the floor even when everything is broken. As I stand I hear her muffled hum of our song. I go to be with her, to keep her safe until she's in my arms once again.

Friday, July 29, 2016

Tank update Friday!

(I know I haven't posted in FOREVER but I'm going to move my tank updates from facebook to my blog post; so here goes.)

Tank update Friday!

Tank: 30Gal
Occupants: 1 Angelfish, 7 Corydoras, snails
Planted: yes
Water Conditions: perfect
Notes:  The 30Gal got a new light so they are no longer in the dark.  the light that came with the tank burned the bulb out in less than a month so I decided just to buy a 10$ grow light instead of getting the aquarium light bulb for 8$.  The snail population has exploded... I thought I had killed all the snails because I hadn't seen any in a while but I definitely have them and they are getting huge.

Names: Arrow is the Angelfish.  The Corydoras are Julian and the Spartans

Tank: 3 Gal
Occupants: 1 Betta
Planted: yes
Water Conditions: perfect 
Notes:  I moved the other betta out of my 3 gallon because I accidentally fell in love with the new betta and I just HAD to have him.  I went to Wal-Mart to pick up some medicine for my sick little betta and my husband showed him to me.  He seems very happy in the 3 gallon, although he is very very shy. It is planted with a betta hammock and a diy terracotta filter.  He doesn't seem to mind the bubbles too much. I'm also having some issues with brown algae and my moss ball is looking pretty pathetic...

Name: Zeus

Tank: 10Gal
Occupants: 1 betta
Planted: no
Water Conditions: cycling
Notes:  I put my sick boy in a 10 gallon with a breeder net.  I dosed with Bettafix and after a couple days if he doesn't show significant improvement I am going to get some Bettamax.  I really don't want to loose him... his gills are really inflamed and he has a bump in between his gills in the front.  He lays on the bottom and sometimes curls around.  I gave him his first dose yesterday and it has seemed to help; he is no longer laying on his side.  Going to do at least a 50% water change every 3 days.

Name: Calypso

So those are my fish.  I'm considering starting to do plant updates as well... I have a succulent, an aloe and multiple sprigs of devils ivy.  Mondays?  That sounds good.   Be on the lookout for those posts.  I am also going to make an RIP memorial fish post.  I've lost many fish recently and I would like to make a post about all of them.