Friday, November 23, 2012

I went in for a routine ultrasound ...

Now I'm on bed rest in the hospital... I will be 30 weeks Friday. My u/s tech said my cervix was weekened and they wanted me to see the doctor...  I walked back to see the doctor and she said: "I spoke with Dr. D she's on call at the hospital you need to go to labor and delivery now... do not stop anywhere go straight there..." so we headed to the hospital... Dr. D came in quick to examine me and I am 4 cm dialated and about 50% effaced (I think that's how you spell it).  So they admitted me and I'm on bed rest...  they gave me a shot of steroids and magnesium sulfate... the steroids to help Gabe's lungs develop faster and the magnesium sulfate to relax my uterus...   I'm not having contractions and I'm not in pain... my back has been hurting recently but I was sick and thought it was just sore muscles... that's about it... I just hope he stays in there longer.

The doctor checked me this afternoon after I had my 2nd steroid shot said I was still at 4 cm and that I could go home on a modified bed rest.  So I can get up to go to the bathroom and fridge and I can be on a couch but that's it... I can go to my baby shower which I'm excited about but I can't really participate.

I can't believe out of the hours I've researched labor I totally missed the warning signs...  I had lost my mucous plug Monday I think, I had also had sever back pains... and the diarrhea.  I totally missed it...  I had gotten sick Sunday with a really bad sore throat and I felt stuffy.  Monday I felt worse and that's when(I think) I had went into labor, all my muscles ached and my back hurt so bad I pulled out the heating pad (which I never do) and that was the only way I could get comfortable ...  I just thought I had the flu then Tuesday I felt a lot better there were still back pains but I just thought I was still getting over a 24hr flu (that kinda tipped me off that the next day I felt so much better but I didn't put much thought in it at all.)  I'm kicking myself now for not seeing it!

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