Monday, September 17, 2012

Blue Hair and cream puffs

Yes I have blue hair. Well the front of it anyway.   I love it. But the color is still off.  I'm thinking about doing more of a turquoise over it just to pull some of the green out.  It was really fun to do but now my bathtub is blue.  Not to mention it was bright bright blue and after about 2 washes has turned to this greenish light blue. 
I have a doctor's appointment in the morning.  It's just to see about Gabe and if he's growing properly I'm sure he is.  Been kicking pretty hard now and I'm only halfway through my pregnancy. See right now he's doing flips so yeah... that's always fun.
I was wondering if Gabe is allergic to strawberries and I eat a strawberry will he be okay?   Well I don't know if he's allergic to any of that like strawberries or anything but I was just hoping if I accidentally do eat something he's allergic to it's not going to kill him or anything. 
I really do love the cream puffs at Chinese restaurants they're in the desert section I want 1 so bad. 
Another 1 of my favorite things especially for Fall is warm apple cider with a little bit of cinnamon in it.   And I just discovered this new website called pinterest you all can follow me on it...  I think it's linked to my facebook account and you can find my Facebook page by searching my email address I hope you can find me that way you should be able to.
Alright enough rambling for tonight I need to go to bed cuz I have a doctor's appointment good night everyone!

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